Adult Jiu-Jitsu
Developed as an unarmed martial art in a culture where everyone was armed

What is Jiu-Jitsu?
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, BJJ, or just Jiu-Jitsu; this martial art goes by many names, none of which are wrong. We prefer to simply call it just “Jiu-Jitsu” due to the multiple geographic origins and to respect the history of non-gracie lineages that exist also.
Made famous in the US by the Gracie family with the first UFC, Jiu-Jitsu is one of the most effective grappling arts the world has ever seen. The emphasis is based on properly applied technique through leverage and not strength. This key principle typically would allow a smaller person to control and defeat a larger unskilled opponent. The majority of street fights, and a large portion of MMA fights end up on the ground, and this is where Jiu-Jitsu shines. Concentrating on a hierarchy of positions on the ground; providing defense and attacks in typical “inferior” positions, and a complete dominance and control from “superior” positions.
About our Program
Our program is distinct from other schools in the area in that we give serious attention to the very first part of any confrontation or BJJ match: the clinch and takedown phase. Every fight starts on the feet and this area is often neglected by many martial arts schools. Why? Because takedowns and clinching is hard work and tiring! Of course the reasoning comes from those that don’t know the takedown game well and are inefficient at it. Not only have we spent years developing this area, we also have numerous high-level collegiate wrestlers in our academy who have helped adapt and develop the takedown game while wearing the Gi for sport-competition, and also for self-defense. Not only do we work on initiating the takedowns, we have just as much emphasis on the defense portion as well. This is the only way to develop to a truly high-level, and to have a well-rounded grappling game without areas of weakness. Trained safe, smart, and regularly; takedowns are not as hard or as scary has people think they are.
We have developed a systematic approach to teaching and passing on techniques to our students. Our organized process leads you through what seems like complete chaos during live sparring. The focus is on making incremental progress and understanding the mechanics of how each technique works, when to apply it, and why the move would possibly fail or be countered. Without a system and structured learning, the student may be able succeed and win based on athletic ability and youthfulness, but this is not a long term strategy for success. Without an understanding of the basics, and a system to fall back on when fighting against another skilled opponent, the student’s success will fade in time. Instead of showing you the newest, fanciest techniques out there and hoping for the best, our system provides a concrete structure that has been proven time and time again to be the best in the area. Even in the small town of Clyde, Ohio; our students are on the podium in competitions at the highest levels in the sport. That is a testament to the quality of our instruction, and to our students desire to learn and work hard to achieve their goals.
Class Format
A typical class begins with a 10-15 minute warm-up followed by the instructor’s demonstration of techniques and the students’ drilling of those techniques thereafter. Live training is the most important aspect of jiu-jitsu, and each class ends with a period of time when the student can “spar” against other students to work on applying the techniques in their arsenal against others. This is the “fight-to-the-fake-death” scenario that is the most fun part of class and what everyone looks forward too.

Justin LaBenne

Phil Barone

Fil Gilbert

Daniel Zenowicz
Training Environment
We have a wide array of age and experience on the mats. From the average 9-5’er, or the full time fighter, they all share the same mats and work together to better themselves and each other. We have adults their 20’s that just want to learn, and we have 50+ year old competitors! This is a friendly, team oriented academy, and we intend to keep it that way. Negative attitudes, talking down about other students, rolling hard with a new student – THESE TYPES OF PEOPLE DON’T LAST LONG HERE. Iron & Soul was created to provide a better martial arts experience for those that have seen firsthand how controlling and cult-like some martial arts instructors and academies can be. We don’t own you – YOU CAN TRAIN WHEREVER YOU WANT TO! Cross –training is a must now days and we have zero issue with students training at other facilities in the area…or anywhere for that matter.
Our program is simply the best in the area! Whether your goal is self-defense, competition, MMA, build confidence, or get in shape fast – This program has the most proven and successful track record out there.
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